Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!
For celebration, I finished up the bottom on the bateau. 
Bottom (3/8 marine) on, but not yet trimmed flush.

Bottom and stem overlaps both flushed up.  Still need to trim to sheerline on the front and back panels (will do that once it's flipped so I can eyeball the whole sheer at once.

And one end on shot.  Skinny and pointy.  Love the flare in the sides!!!

Next up, turning, then start on frames inside. 


  1. Looking good! When's the boat turning?

  2. Thanks!

    I flipped it yesterday!!!

    Darned thing is small enough it hardly seemed worth making a big deal over. Just had my father in law drop by and we just rolled her over. Not very festive of me though.

    Pics should be available soon. Too dark when I got done. Still a lot of work to do with frames, thwarts, gunwales, etc.
