So I've picked a design.
Now, where do I build it? I have a garage, and my wife graciously offered to let me work in her parking spot during the project. But....if I do that, I'm going to want to get done quickly so she can have it back. I don't want to rush this, I want to take my time and pick away at it. That's the whole point. So I've decided to build out under my boat shed. Problem is, there's already a big ol' glass boat under it. So today I moved it backwards a bit, and as far over as possible, and I think I have the room cleared. Gonna be a bit snug at times though. That's the start of the building jig on the right. My "double dory" cataraft (little white things) on the left, and the Seafair in the back.
I have also cut out what Gardner calls the 'molds' for this boat. I had thought I might just perty them up and leave them as a permanent part of the boat, despite the fact that Gardner specified a different strategy. Upon further review and advice from others who have more time in grade than I, I think I'll stick to his plan instead. Maybe a few mods later, but not this one. Most of the fun for me is tinkering with stuff, I'm not much of a plan-follower. But I'll find some other tweaks to make. The bottom one goes in the middle, and the other two are twins that go towards either end. This boat is dead symetrical fore and aft.
Rather than just double them up as is often done, I figured I might as well make cleaner half-laps. Of course, now that I've decided these will be temporary and not stay in the fnal boat, there really wasn't any point. Oh well, kept me busy for a couple hours. I'll probably hit them with the belt sander to clean them up, just in case I do end up keeping them in....(don't tell John K.)
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